The Science of Sharks Exhibit at New England Aquarium was the first project I was involved in after being hired full-time as an Exhibit Designer & Fabricator. I helped develop initial exhibit content ideas, documented the process, and created a final document to highlight the Charlestown Exhibit Shop involvement and value to the project. These are a few pages of the final booklet that highlight my participation both as designer and fabricator.

This is the completed Science of Sharks exhibit highlighting some of the components I created and helped to fabricate. This list includes the several of the overhead hanging sharks as you enter the exhibit through the Diversity section, habitats for the Adult Shark Tank in the Life Cycle area of the exhibit, the habitat in the diversity tank, the tactile enlarged teeth on the handrail of the Shark Anatomy area, and the life size tiger model for the Shark Anatomy area.

Toys for Elephants is a design/build class that works with the Buttonwood Park Zoo in New Bedford, MA to produce enrichment toys for their two Asian Elephants, Emily & Ruth. After taking the class I decided to produce my own additional toy, focusing on creating a modular mold to produce customizable ice toy shapes. The idea was to produce a toy that encouraged natural behaviors, was reusable, and could be adapted depending on animal and institutional needs.

This was an idea I had inspired by wanting to take a different approach to fundraising. There are so many collections, walks, and runs that I wanted to try my hand at creating something different supporting a social cause that I care about, but that also impacts everyone.
The idea for this fundraiser is to create a family friendly outdoor event that focuses on engineering and innovation to create a fun way to raise funding for girls education. By looking at a bra less as a gender specific article of clothing and more as if someone from another planet were to look at it, as a strange object, what they might think it was for. I thought of a sling shot for launching water balloons. The event would center around a fun day-long competition of using contraptions built out of bras to launch stuff. There would be food, music, and venders, and all proceeds would go to organizations focused around Girl’s Education or Women’s Empowerment.

This little school of fish was created as a meditative and calming escape. It is a VR experience that is best enjoyed through a phone with a VR headset. Please enjoy while seated.

I wanted to create an interactive poster design to promote the idea of “Paying It Forward”. I have observed that people love to get involved with a campaign when there is a way to show their participation, like a sticker or posting about it on social media. Kindness is powerful and we should all participate.

I wanted to explore the value of spreading kindness and happiness as a social cause, and how happiness can be used as a metric to show population health, economic growth, and economic stability.

This is a concept for helping kids develop healthy habits like hand washing. Hand washing helps reduce the spread of germs. Kids under the age of 5 are some of the most vulnerable to viruses like the flu. I wanted to create something that helps kids develop healthy habits early by encouraging them through fun and play. When kids wash their hands with soap and water, producing suds, they get to blow bubbles with the bubble wand ring.

Mindset is very important to fostering creativity and innovation. It is too easy to kill an idea before it has a chance to be developed. So often when we discuss ideas we immediately jump to discussing why they won’t work or shouldn’t be explored. These examples could be technology not existing yet, cost, time...you know what I’m talking about. An idea is just an idea and has the flexibility to morph and inspire new ideas. I wanted to create a dedicated place to explore ideas that focus on the open minded approach of asking the question “what if” instead of “why not”.